Sunday, September 8, 2013

Berisha: Refuzoj të drejtoj Kuvendin. Mazhoranca, e lidhur me krimin

Kryeministri i momentit, z. Sali Berisha komentoi në profilin e tij në “Facebook” edhe hapjen e punimeve ditën e nesërme në Kuvend. Ai shkruan se refuzon që të drejtojë punimet e Kuvendit nesër, duke thënë se mazhoranca erdhi në prishet me mashtrime antiglobaliste dhe se është e lidhur me paratë e drogës dhe krimit të organizuar.
“Unë dua t’ju sqaroj se pse refuzoj të hap nesër punimet e Kuvendit të ri. Kjo nuk ka asnjë lidhje me faktin se kaluam në opozitë. Kjo mazhorancë erdhi në pushtet me mashtrime antiglobaliste, si ato të Papandreut në Greqi. 
Papandreu mashtroi grekët duke u thënë se paratë janë, por duhet të jemi ne, pra më votoni mua për të dalë nga kriza. Miku i tij në Shqipëri, Piktori i dështuar, duke përdorur si dëshmitar të rremë Metën, u premtoi shqiptarëve se, shërbimi shëndetësor do të jetë falas, legalizimet do të bëhen falas, çmimet do të ulen për të gjitha ushqimet dhe energjinë, për të gjithë shqiptarët, taksat do të ulen për 95% të shqiptarëve, do të krijojë 300 mijë vende pune dhe ish-të përndjekurit do t’i dëmshpërblejë brenda dy vjetëve, madje 25 euro për ditën e vuajtjes”, shkruan Berisha. 
Ai më pas bëri sërish një paralelizëm me Papandreun. “Dy vjet pas mega mashtrimeve, Papandreu e zhyti shumë thellë Greqinë në krizë, ndaj edhe qytetarët i prenë biletën dhe ai u zhduk. Së shpejti kjo do të ndodhë edhe me Edi Ramën në Shqipëri. Kjo mazhorancë nuk qëndron, sepse është ngritur mbi mega mashtrimin, paratë e drogës dhe krimin e organizuar”, përfundon Berisha.

Pune Vullnetare nga te Rinjte e komunitetit Rom si dhe Maxhoranca ne Shk...

10 killed, 150 injured in suicide bomb attack Afghanistan’s Wardak

At least 10 have been killed and 150 injured as a group of suicide bombers attacked a national intelligence agency compound in Wardak's provincial capital Maidan Shahr, Afghanistan, media reports, citing a local official. Attaullah Khogyani, spokesman for Wardak's provincial government confirmed that four personnel were killed and a gun battle was underway. The injured, including women and children, have been taken to hospitals for medical treatment.

107-year-old man killed in police shootout in Arkansas, authorities say

(CNN) -- A man who police said was 107 years old was killed in a confrontation with SWAT officers Saturday night.
Police were called to a home in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, where suspect Monroe Isadore was.
"When they arrived, they were able to determine that an aggravated assault had occurred against two people at the residence," Lt. David E. Price, a Pine Bluff police spokesman, said in a statement.
The two victims were led out of the house.
It was not clear what role the suspect had in the aggravated assaults or what they were.
When officers approached a bedroom where Isadore was hiding, he fired through the door, authorities said.
None of the police officers was hit by the gunfire. They retreated to a safer area and called for additional help, including SWAT officers who started negotiations with the suspect.
SWAT officers slipped a camera into the room where Isadore was holed up and saw he was armed with a handgun, Price said.
After unsuccessful negotiations, officers slipped gas into the room through a window, he said, and Isadore fired rounds at them.
The officers broke the bedroom door and hurled in a distraction device, and Isadore fired at them again, according to the spokesman's statement.
Officers returned fire, killing him.
It's unclear what distraction device was used. No more information was immediately available. CNN called the police department, but could not reach anyone.
In 2010, there were about 53,000 people over age 100 in the United States, according to the latest Census numbers. Only 8% of them were older than 104

Obama to sell Syria policy on television

Expect to see a lot of President Obama talking about Syria this week, even before his big speech Tuesday night.
Obama has six television interviews lined up Monday -- with anchors at NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, CNN, and Fox News --seeking to persuade members of the public and Congress to back a military strike against Syria over chemical weapons.
Previewing his remarks in a Saturday radio address, Obama said: "Failing to respond to this outrageous attack would increase the risk that chemical weapons could be used again; that they would fall into the hands of terrorists who might use them against us, and it would send a horrible signal to other nations that there would be no consequences for their use of these weapons."
The Syrian government has denied responsibility for an Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack on members of the opposition.
Syrian President Bashar Assad has conducted his own interview with Charlie Rose, a session that will air Monday on CBS and PBS.
Obama faces intense opposition to military action from both U.S. lawmakers and the public.
So he and aides are conducting a major lobbying effort, including phone calls to members of Congress and private briefings.
In addition to Obama's television efforts, White House Chief of Staff Chief Denis McDonough hit all five major Sunday morning interview programs.
Vice President Biden hosts a dinner for key members of Congress.
National Security Adviser Susan Rice is scheduled to give a major Syria speech Monday to the New America Foundation.
Secretary of State John Kerry, meanwhile, is seeking support for military action from Arab nations.
Obama himself has received updates on Syria throughout the weekend, and called wavering members of Congress.
It all leads up to the big speech on Tuesday, with even bigger congressional votes in the days to follow.

Syria: Russia will stand by Assad over any US strikes, warns Putin

President Vladimir Putin gave warning that Russia would stand with Syria if America launches military strikes against the country. Mr Putin promised to "help" President Bashar al-Assad's regime in the event of a US campaign, showing how Russia and America had failed to narrow their differences over the Syrian civil war during a tense G20 summit in St Petersburg.

President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart could not even agree on the factual point of whether a majority of G20 members supported or opposed military action.
Mr Obama said that most of the 19 countries represented at St Petersburg had backed the US position – and 11 duly signed a statement urging a "strong international response" to the poison gas attacks in Damascus.
But Mr Putin disputed this, pointing out that although David Cameron might have signed the statement, Parliament's vote against British military action showed that the Prime Minister did not speak for his country.
Ending the summit, Mr Putin said that world opinion was firmly against US-led intervention, adding that Russia would take Syria's side. "Will we help Syria? We will," he said. "We are already helping, we send arms."  

Mediat: Ndërhyrja ushtarake në Siri brenda 3 ditëve, nis me bombardime

SHBA- Ndërhyrja ushtarake në Siri do të bëhet brenda tre ditëve. Kështu kanë deklaruar sot mediat amerikane. 
Sipas tyre, Pentagoni po bëhet gati të nisë sulmin ajror, i cili do jetë më i gjatë dhe më intensiv se sa ishte programuar më herët. Kështu shkruan sot Los Angeles Times. 
Strategët amerikanë mësohet se do të nisin sulmin fillimisht me bombardime nga ajri, i pasuar nga sulme të tjera drejt objektivave të pa shkatërruara në sulmin e parë, citon gazeta burime zyrtare të Pentagonit, ndërkohë që pesë luftanije "Destroyer" ndodhen në gatishmëri në Mesdheun lindor.
Po sipas gazetës, Shtëpia e Bardhë ka kërkuar një listë të zgjeruar të objektivave që do sulmohen, në vend të 50 të tillave të parashikuara më herët. 
Ekziston mundësia që aeroplanmbajtësja "Nimitz" dhe tre luftanijet "Destroyer" që ndodhen në Detin e Kuq të ndërmarrin një sulm ndaj Sirisë. 
"Goditjet nuk do të kryhen me intervale midis tyre, por do të kufizohen brenda 72 orëve dhe do të jepet një sinjal i qartë pasi të kenë përfunduar", deklaroi njëri prej ushtarakëve për të përditshmen "Los Angeles Times".
Regjimi i Assad është "përgjegjës" për sulmin më të keq me armë kimike që ka ndodhur shekullin e 21-të. "Ne jemi Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës, nuk mund të mbyllim sytë para imazheve që kemi parë edhe nëse kjo ka ndodhur në anën tjetër të botës." Kështu ka deklaruar të shtunën presidenti amerikan, Barack Obama. 

Premiera e filmit “Our Roma Heroine” në ambjentet e Kongresit Rinor Kombëtar

Tashmë pas disa ditësh pritje u shfaq filmi me metrazh të shkurtër “Our Roma Heroine.” Grupi Our Roma Hero, të cilët janë shpallur fitues në...